Topic 1- Write about your fitness and eating habits.



Hello everyone, today I will write about my eating and exercise habits. 

 Currently, my body is not in balance. So to have the beautiful body of my dreams, I have to exercise. And the activity I choose to have a better body is jumping rope. I usually dance in the afternoon whenever I have free time. The place I choose to jump rope is my home yard.




In the early days, I usually only jumped 100 times, then gradually increased to 200-300 times per day. On average every day I dance from 30 minutes to 1 hour. I usually practice alone. Jumping rope will burn a lot of calories in the body.

When I started practicing my eating and exercise habits, I always tried to choose healthy foods. To keep your body healthy and youthful. It is necessary to reduce the amount of sugar in the body to avoid cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Do not eat too salty food, this is considered good for health because it reduces the risk of kidney, heart, and stomach diseases, blood pressure, and stroke.    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Avoid eating too mucm-processed food and fast food. Because it is very harmful to health. Instead, we can buy food to cook to ensure better health. 


                                                         This is the end of my article, thank you for reading. 




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